Category: Updates

Elenco Post

Notizie dall’Orfanotrofio

 Good news ☺️ that fills our hearts: Prema, Monica and Maheswari have successfully completed college 👩‍🎓 and they will start working at the end of the month. Anushiya decided to study for another 2-3 months and then apply for a government office job. Congratulations to the new graduates and thank you for your support.

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2024: future projects

December 2023. Partial extension on the second floor. Two rooms with bathroom are Sr. Shanthi's request: the extension on the upper floor would have a dual purpose: to be able to increase the number of girls up to a maximum of 30 and to be able to accommodate groups of guests/visitors, including male ones, as the new area it would be totally separate from the girls' dormitory and with its own bathrooms. The ideal time for these works would be during the school break (April/May 2024) and with Sr Shanthi still present before her normal rotation planned by her superiors as a regular practice. she is looking for good builder who uses...

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Day at the water park

December 2023. We visited the girls in Tamil Nadu and treated them to a day at the Paravasa Ulagam water park, south of the city of Salem. They had never been in a swimming pool. Laughter, dancing and fun filled the day. Even Sr Shanthi couldn't resist and dove in with them. An unforgettable day that will surely remain among their best memories. ...

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Teaching herbs benefits

December 2023. Hexa Petal International with the botanical expert Mr Dhanavendan excorted our president Giulio Simoni to Anna4children's house. The girls tried first-hand to use natural products from the garden to treat seasonal flu and cough.

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Anna4children helps Salesian missionaries in Madagascar

For some years Anna4children has contributed to some Salesians projects in Madagascar. The latest one was the construction of a hangar/shed in the city of Toamasina along the eastern coast of the island where an oratory already exists alongside a school. However, the area is subject to frequent cyclones which damaged houses and roads and prevented the communities children from attending school regularly. This hangar will shelter them from the rain allowing them to continue carrying out daily education and recreation activities in safety....

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4 girls to higher studies

Anna4children is financing the higher studies for 4 girls at professional schools after their high school diploma. They have just started the last year of their academic career and are already carrying out internships at external companies. Their names are Maghis, Anushya, Monica and Prema. Two of them are in textiles (quality control and logistics) and two in agriculture (production methods, irrigation techniques, chemistry and use of fertilizers). They did short periods of practical learning in some local companies. Sr Shanthi explained to us that the rural reality of the area and their mentality will certainly lead them to find work...

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A new school year is beginning

A few update just received from India. After almost two months of summer holidays the children have come back with renewed strength and enthusiasm to start their school new academic year. The climate in Tamil Nadu is very hot and because of the excess heat the schools have started on 12th June instead of 1st June. This year 5 new children joined the house. With the help of Manipal hospital from Salem last Sunday we had a free general medical and eye camp conducted for the people around the Pethanaickenpayam village. Nearly 60 people came to Anna4children’s house to use this opportunity. Our girls had free blood test, general check-up and eye check up done. Sister Lowra joined us from the Chennai Salesian Sisters community together with five new girls from the region. Once again thank you for every effort you make to help the children's welfare.

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Buone notizie dall’India

Cari amici di Anna4children, speriamo che tutti voi ed i vostri cari siate al sicuro in questa pandemia mondiale. Alcuni aggiornamenti ricevuti da Suor Shanthi la settimana scorsa.     Cara Valeria, Qui stiamo bene. Al momento ci sono 22 ragazze con noi nella casa di Anna4children (il governo ha imposto il limite di massimo 23 ragazze). Se tutto andrà bene, le classi in presenza dovrebbero iniziare a Giugno (inizio anno scolastico). Con amore e preghiere, Suor Shanthi     Dear Mrs.Valeria, Greeting from Sr.Shanthi and sisters. Here we are fine. At present there are 22 girls in Anna4chidren...

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Le Suore di Anna4Children a Schio

Suor Lucia e Cecilia sono venute a trovarci a Schio dall’India. Che bella sorpresa. Grande accoglienza dal Gruppo Anna4children a base di pizza e abbracci. 🤗👏🤗 Sister Lucy and Cecilia arrived for surprise visit in Schio, Vicenza all the way from India. Anna4children warmly hosted them with pizza and hugs....

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Il nostro ultimo viaggio in Orfanotrofio

Marta e Giulio sono arrivati ieri nel Tamil Nadu. 😊Sono stati accolti con grande festa dalle bambine, ragazze e suore Salesiane ospiti dell’orfanotrofio Anna4children. 🤗 Canti, balli e tanti abbracci festeggiando assieme la festività Indiana della luce (Diwali)💥 che ha il sopravvento sul male e l’oscurità. Marta and Giulio arrived in Tamil Nadu yesterday. 😊 They were greeted with great happiness by the girls and Salesian sisters, Anna4children orphanage guests 🤗 Songs, dances and many hugs were part of the Diwali holiday, the Indian festival of lights that wins over darkness and...

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Ottobre 2018 – Un appuntamento irrinunciabile

Con Stefania siamo tornate da pochi giorni dall’India. E’ da anni che questa cara amica ci aiuta a raccogliere fondi e ad organizzare eventi e questa volta ha deciso di partire per conoscere le bambine di persona. È stato come sempre un viaggio-avventura intenso e gratificante. Spesso mi trovo a pensare che sia più quello che questo progetto da’ a noi che viceversa. Quanti baci e abbracci abbiamo ricevuto !! Quanti giochi e balli e canti abbiamo fatto !! Una cosa è certa : quando si va all’orfanotrofio non ci si annoia… Sembra procedere tutto molto bene. Le suore...

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