On Thursday June 2, 2011, in Abu Dhabi, on the occasion of a wonderful evening organized by the Italian Embassy in the United Arab Emirates, to celebrate the Italian Republic, the Anna4children Onlus had the opportunity to make known their work and their goals '. Inside the Ferrari World Center in a room packed with Italian nationals living in the UAE, Ambassador Giorgio Starace gave us the opportunity to be the beneficiaries of the entire collection collected through the sale of tickets for a lottery that had been organized to brighten the evening. This was the first formal and official event of our organization; it will serve as an incentive to continue on the path of an active and concrete commitment.
All’interno del Ferrari World Center in una sala gremitissima di connazionali residenti negli UAE, l’Ambasciatore Giorgio Starace ci ha dato l’opportunita’ di essere i beneficiari dell’intero incasso raccolto attraverso la vendita dei biglietti di una lotteria che era stata organizzata per allietare la serata. Questo e’ stato il primo evento formale ed ufficiale della nostra organizzazione; ci servira’ come stimolo per continuare sulla strada dell’impegno fattivo e concreto.